Rebma has a long, complicated, and occasionally violent history. Here's the highlight reel:
- The Triton Wars - consolidated the human Rebman dominance of the undersea realm.
- The Kitezh War - was a first contact that ended in horror.
- The Minos War - where Rebma stood by her sister kingdom of Amber and sunk a thousand ships.
In addition to the major wars above, Rebma has been engaged in many small border scuffles, due mainly to the fact that its borders are so very, very long. Nearly every bordering land exchanges raiding parties with Rebma from time to time - these rarely escalate into serious conflicts, but help to keep Rebma's soldiers sharp.
In addition, pirates can be found under the sea - it is easy to prey on shipping when you can strike without warning, from below the water. Survivors of these attacks have reported pirates using tamed or controlled sea creatures to assist them, including at least one tale of a Kraken. When reports of pirate activity reach Moire, she is quick to respond with sufficient force. When Rebma officially goes to war, though, the same pirate bands are often granted pardons and letters of marque, to bolster Rebma's ranks. This was seen to good effect in the Minos War.
When Rebmans make war, they prefer light armor patterned after fish scale, for mobility. Weapons in Rebma are almost always those that are attack by thrusting, as the resistance of water making slashing or chopping less effective. Therefore, spears and tridents are common weapons, as are knives and short, stabbing swords. Harpoons are often used to engage at range, and occasionally high-tension crossbows see use.